When comparing May with the month before and after, this is slightly more than April, which has a Wintersun Comfort level of "comfortable" (very dry air).

June has the highest humidity, with a Wintersun Expert comfort level of "very comfortable" (low humidty). When looking at the whole year, November has the lowest humidity, with a Wintersun Expert comfort level of "comfortable" (very dry air). Only for certain people, extremely dry air can feel slightly uncomfortable. The lower the Wintersun Expert Comfort level, the more comfortable it will be. We use the humidity and temperature in Palm Springs to calculate the Wintersun Expert Comfort level for each month.

Generally, May in Palm Springs will have dry air, and will feel very comfortable. Will it be comfortable in May in Palm Springs? And almost equal to June, with around 0 cloudy days When comparing May with the number of cloudy days in the month before and after, it is almost equal to April, with an average of between 1 and 2 cloudy days. June and August And are the months with the lowest number of cloudy days, with around 0 cloudy days. February is the month with the highest number of cloudy days, with an average of between 4 and 5 cloudy days. Let's also look at the cloudy or overcast days. We have looked at the sunny days in Palm Springs. Water temperature for Palm Springs during the year. And slightly less than the water temperature from June, that is around 68☏ / 20☌. When comparing the water temperature from May with the month before and after, May has a water temperature almost equal to April, with a water temperature of an average of between 60☏ / 16☌ and 62☏ / 17☌. February has the lowest water temperature, with around 60☏ / 16☌. July has the highest water temperature, with around 69☏ / 21☌. You can expect this temperature on a more sunny day, close to the shore, when the wind does not mix the relatively warmer and colder water. To compare the water temperature we will use the maximum water temperature. You can expect in May, the water temperature for Palm Springs to be between 64☏ / 18☌ and 57☏ / 14☌. And almost equal to June, which sees an average of between 0 and 1 days of rain - What will the water temperature be in Palm Springs for May When comparing May with the month before and after, this is almost equal to April, which sees an average of between 2 and 3 days of rain. February is the month with the most rain days with an average of between 5 and 6 days. If we look at the number of days with rain, June is the month with the least amount of rain days with an average of between 0 and 1 days. You can expect around 1 rainy days, with on average 0.1 inches / 3 mm of rain during the whole month. Palm Springs does not have a lot of rainy days in May. During the night, it will cool down to around 57☏ / 14☌. Due to the dry air, it will feel very comfortable. Historical data shows that you can expect an average temperature of around 87☏ / 31☌. Generally, May in Palm Springs will be quite hot. May weather in Palm Springs CaliforniaTo get a good overview of the type of weather you can expect in May in Palm Springs, we will look at the day and night temperature, minimum and maximum water temperature, and if May is comfortable or humid

11 What to do in Palm Springs California for each month.10 Weather in Palm Springs California in other months.9 More information about Palm Springs California.8 Is May the most sunniest month in Palm Springs California?.7 Is May the rainiest month in Palm Springs California?.6 Does it rain all day in Palm Springs California in May?.5 Is May a good time to go to Palm Springs California?.4 Is it humid in Palm Springs California in May?.3 What to do in Palm Springs California in May.2.5 - Will it be comfortable in May in Palm Springs?.2.4 - Can you expect in May a lot of sunny days in Palm Springs.2.3 - What will the water temperature be in Palm Springs for May.

2.2 - Can you expect rain in May in Palm Springs?.2.1 - What will the temperature be in Palm Springs in May.2 May weather in Palm Springs California in more detail.1 May weather in Palm Springs California.