They also required you to deliver these sampler packs of ads, and most people didn't want them and would throw them in the street, I had an entire apartment complex forbid me from dropping them but when i told my supervisor I got threatened with termination, so I had to find other ways to distribute the samplers. They can be tough to reach if the papers are running late on their end, or if you need to inform them of a problem on your end, or you need supplies, and if you need information verifying your employment, they'll give you the run around.

Unfortunately, despite being labeled as an independent contractor, you depend on the Sentinel for a lot and they're not always available to oblige. You didn't have a supervisor breathing down your neck. Lee announced on March 13 the sale of its newspapers and digital media platforms in Santa Maria, Lompoc and Hanford, to Santa Maria News Media, Inc. I just put in my headphones and caught up on my favorite podcasts while enjoying the ride and throwing my deliveries, it was only unpleasant on rainy days. The Hanford Sentinel was among several California newspapers sold by Lee Enterprises to a Canadian publishing group that owns the Bakersfield Californian. I don't think they hire carriers anymore, but I had a lot of fun working as a carrier for the Sentinel. I started this job when I was just a freshmen in highschool but I love doing it so much that I kept on with it until they laid off every one of their carriers.